Wednesday 18 May 2011

Live Blog: Teen Mom 2 Episode 11 Review.

This popular MTV reality television show is back with a bang for a new series of a new set of pregger teens with boy drama, family drama and just drama from every aspect. Includes snotty kids (and teenagers), nappies (or diapers) and bad attitudes from the kids and the mothers.

(And note: its mom not mum so if you don't like the American accent, this really is not your kind of show with whiny teenagers and bimbos included)

Episode 11

Previously on Teen Mom 2...

*cue the name in the corner of the mom that we are focusing on*

The bimbo blonde haired mother who now has a messy relationship with her baby daddy shows the recent drama which has unfolded and blown up in her face. She began living in his house when she gave birth and everything was great until they broke up and she began dating a new guy called Jordan and lied to the family about it as she didn't want to get kicked out. Basically- selfish. Now it shows her ex- Jo carrying her stuff in plastic bags asking for $600 that she owes him for school fees and she can't have her stuff until she does. Standing there trying to get the sympathy vote while he screams bitch in her face really doesn't work if you watch the show regularly. Her mother then gets involved stating how she could get custody papers drawn up to agree who gets to look after their son.

Lets be honest here, her mother has no moral high ground as she kicked her daughter out in the first place and wouldn't let her move back in or look after her grandson. Surely she shouldn't be giving advice on parenting?

Next is Leah
Her history: had twins with her “red neck boyfriend” as she calls him- Corey, cheated on him, lost him. Wanted him back, got him back. Got engaged (on a fishing trip, classsssy), all happy. However, one of her twins has a growth problem and has to see many different doctors. They are now planning their wedding and she has cold feet and waiting for a second opinion on their baby..

Cue- Chelsea
She has the most amazing support from her father who pays for her rent, her car and her baby. However, she has the biggest douchelord of a boyfriend I have seen. He doesn't pay child supports, picks her up and leaves her whenever he pleases and lived with her when he had no where else to go and played happy families for a really short while. My favourite mom of them all..however, she seems to need a brain transplant when it comes to Adam, the douchelord. Lets just say when they spilt a few days after she gave birth he text her calling her "a bag of stretch marks" and their baby "a mistake"...reaaaal nice guy. NAAAT

Last but not least, Jenelle
Now I do not have one nice thing to write about this "mom" if you can even call her that. She never see's her child, her mom currently has sole custody as all she cares about is smoking weed with her waste of space boyfriend Keifer who just takes money off of her. Recently, she drove to New Jersey for him to see his family and stole her moms credit cards as she has no money, no job and neither does he. Great pair.

Now your up to date...let the drama and nappies unfold..

Leah sits down with Corey to discuss the wedding plans. With his accent already annoying me, he basically says "once we get married everything will be fine" - Good advice! Everyone should take that advice then there would be no divorce in the world...right? With Leah discussing her babies illness, she agrees to marry him.

Great, my favourite. She's teaching Keifer how to drive and is now swearing and shouting- she's such a good example. With a badass attitude and clearly deluded, she questions whether her mom will forgive her over stealing her credit cars…I’m gonna guess- no. After trying to make everyone feel bad for her, she is a clear waste of space.

Going to pick up Issac from Jo, she stands in the doorway with an attitude then removes him from his original car seat to be spiteful towards her ex for no reason. Wow, so mature. Would you have guessed that she's a mother?

Going to lunch with her dad, it’s clear how much he adores her. Trying to convince her to finish school, she keeps coming up with excuses. You can't depend on him your whole life! Grow up! Asking about her single life, she blames herself for the spilt with Adam- OPEN YOUR EYES. He is seriously a joke of a man. He seems to have money for his cars and himself but not his baby? He picks and chooses when to be a dad. You on the other hand don’t have a choice. Fair? Don’t think sooo.

The shot opens with Jace (her son) pulling a table that falls on himand she starts to laugh watching him do it. Mother of the year award? I think so! America’s Katie Price. Jenelle starts talking to her mom about money and how she is finding it difficult even though she doesn’t pay anything for her child or feed her baby. Her mom does. Her mom asks when she’s going to pay her back and she replies that she wont all at once and starts screaming with an attitude for no reason. Its not even your money and your mom cant afford to pay her bills. So so selfish.This girl really makes me want to punch her in face. Also, she's wearing stripy pajama trousers as normal trousers. That’s a reason alone enough to punch her in the face. 

Picking their wedding cake, Corey picks out a cake shaped as a swamp island. Are you kidding me? With their twins being looked after by his dad, they go ice skating and it really shows how they are still teenagers joking around and acting their age. Reality check! Scary...

Showing how difficult it actually is, it shows Kailyn trying to study and revise for her exams whileIssac is making noise, crying and doing things he shouldn't be. Clearly impossible. Another reality check for girls who think that being a teenage mother is easy

To scare viewers again, Chelsea is shown trying to revise in a coffee shop and puts Aubree with toys, in the childhood play area but as soon as she turns her back she just tends to run away- clearly not easy either. Cue douchelord, Adam calls and asks to see his daughter tomorrow but when she says no because she has plans, he decides to be the big man and start swearing and insulting her. Chelsea is then shown at home with her friends facebook stalking him and finds out that he has a new girlfriend, Chelsea simply says "whatever tickles your pickle, dude"- So classy.

Trying to get her financial aid check as she needs to pay her mom back, the worlds best mother calls her boss to see if she still has her job even though she missed 2 days with no reason and lying on the phone when asked why, this girl just gets more and more influential.

Focusing on douchelord, it shows Adam and his new girlfriend at her house. His girlfriend- the definition of class by the way, bad mouths Chelsea stating how its "f***ed up" and says "at least your happy now"- the reason your on this program is because of her. Seems like a match made in heaven. Douchelord and douchebag.

On a more serious note, it shows Leah taking her baby to the doctor to get a second opinion with different doctors and x-rays. Guess the hassles of having a baby aren't always shown on these types of programmes.

Showing the pressures again of having a baby, she has to drop a class in school in order to pass as she has to put her baby first. Stating how shes so overwhelmed and dropping the one class that determines her future, she has to re-think her whole career path.

It shows her mom going to her lawyer asking for advice about her credit card situation as she can't pay it off herself and lets be honest, why should she? The charges are based on her boyfriends hunger and petrol money.

As she calls to check on her daughter, Jenelle is sleeping in her car because her boyfriend is away. Out of the kindness of her heart and after 50 million mistakes, she tells her daughter to come home and sleep. Bets anyone on how long it will take for her to mess up again? I'm gonna say next 10 minutes.

Going into the court, she files custody papers and posts them to Jo. Seems to be over within 2 seconds, pretty quick for the care of a child.

Still not comfortable having her baby around Adam's new girlfriend- pretty standard. She calls to ask about child support and states how she isn't happy. Yet again, he starts to shout and swear and state how "she needs her daddy, she's ours"- where has he been? He doesn't even act like a dad; he wasn't there at 2 or 3 in the morning, he didn’t feed her or clothe her. Over him.Over it. New boy pleasee!!

"teen pregnancy is 100% preventable. To find out what you can do to prevent pregnancy go to: " Advert in-between just to inform the viewers that they have a choice to not get pregnant. Kind of funny if you think about it, in a way this reality TV program is showing girls how great it is to have kids...contradictory? I think so.

As she wakes up the next day, her mom asks about what she will do with the credit card charges. Her mom says how she’s trying to save her neck again and to try and call the credit card company to make a deal. Jenelle with her usual bratty attitude snaps back saying OK, she really needs to get off your high horse. Her mom then says how she’s worried about her relationship with Keifer and how he is making her do these things to which the brat shouts back- “IM NOT LEAVING HIM ANYTIME SOON. IT WAS MY DECISION” She's then told to grow up. Everyone who is watching this show, I’m sure completely agrees.

Next time on Teen Mom 2- The Wedding. New Boys. Jail Time. Courtroom Drama.

Just your typical day to day activities.